Interaction Structures of Teams
Like people, teams can develop very stable structures. To orientate oneself more easily in and with teams, one can give a name to these patterns. Every categorisation of a structure is ultimately wrong, but this is exactly why it is helpful.
As a structure-giving principle one can draw upon the three dimensions of psychodynamic basic needs. As the needs of the members influence the goals in the dynamic of the team, structures are thus formed. This regulation of basic needs in the social system enables a complexity-reducing observation of teams. It then permits leaders as well as consultants to have a targeted engagement with the respective patterns.
Teams position themselves on three axes: closeness – distance, bonding regulation, see , freedom – security, autonomy regulation, see (Autonomieregulation) and uniqueness – belonging, esteem regulation, see(Ansehensregulation.
You can find the interaction structure representation, which belongs to this, here:Interaktionsstrukturen.pdf.
Eberhard Stahl, in his book, Dynamics in groups, has similar considerations