Eberhard Stahl
With his book ‘Dynamik in Gruppen’ (Dynamics in Groups), Eberhard Stahl has written one of the best summaries that can be found in the context of working with groups. Those who wish to acquire a foundation in team development and to reflect upon group processes, is in good hands with this author. We draw special attention to this here, because pragmatic books, which are theoretically sound, are particularly precious.
His structuring can very often be linked with the guiding processes, conceived by us. However, clearly, we view the role of ‘time’ differently for groups. We do not consider it theoretically sustainable to reproduce process structures by means of process phases (as in the effortful team clock mentioned by Stahl). Neither can the phases be clearly separated from each other and run their course, one after the other, nor can they cope, in their description possibilities, with the high turnover in many teams. We, therefore, assume the simultaneousness of all guiding processes and understand temporal developments as oscillating movements within polarities (such as the participation of all, versus the autonomy of the individual).