Tension between Representations
In a particular phase of the psychological change processes (see “<a href=”https://metatheorie-der-veraenderung.info/wpmtags/fruchtbare-innere-konflikte/”>Fruchtbare innere Konflikte”</a>) it is all about building up tension between the self-representation which experiences the need and that, which avoids the need or fights it. A part of a client’s development of his personal responsibility is to clearly experience that he can either meet his desire or his fear of the desire. To develop this tension in counselling sessions enables the client to consciously decide something in his everyday life which is important to him (need), even when this is connected with internal fears, worries, shame and guilt feelings etc. Once the client has developed this possibility, much has been gained (even if not yet all). How such internal tension states can be further processed psychotherapeutically can be read here (article for this will shortly be available for download). However, even without the resolution of this tension, valuable new action possibilities open up, because neither the desire nor the associated avoidance impulses must be denied or repressed.