Prioritising Goal Clarification for Team Consultancy
Not only the team but also a team consultant requires clarity about the team’s goal setting. Without this clarity one has no understanding of the situation, no orientation point for interventions and no reference point for the interpretation of the event.
If there is no clarity, clarification is necessary. Clarification is required when:
• it is not clear in the factual dimension whether all goals are known, decidable and decided
• it is not clear in the social dimension whether all are for <i>für</i>the goals, who contributes to them and can contribute to them and who benefits or is disadvantaged by which goals
• it is not clear in the time dimension whether the goals still fit current and future problem positions.
From these questions it can be recognised that a clarification of goals in the context of a team development is almost always necessary. Team consultancy, which, in poor group dynamic tradition, puts its focus, from the outset, on relationship and communication topics, is, from a metatheory viewpoint, problematic. The danger that one works in vain on symptoms of unclear goals on the social level is, otherwise, very high. This confirms once again that a team development without analysis through preliminary conversation has no meaningful basis.