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With many people, regulations are not so popular (at least when they have not created these themselves). Therefore it is not surprising that, in changing forms and designations (cooperatives, democratic enterprises, humane enterprises) of old and also, in particular, newly-formed organisations, there are attempts made to manage with little regulation, formalization or limitation in autonomous action. Accordingly, the need for communication, reporting requirements(!), mutual collaboration, explanations and exercise of influence, rises. At the same time, one can often observe that the under-regulated structures are initially extremely motivating for the organisational members and produce a high level of identification with the organisation. Often the enthusiasm wanes when the effort to ‘implement’ something increases. This increase is due to the frustration caused by processes that need the collaboration and agreement of many. Some start-ups (“We are going to do this quite differently!”) or spin-offs (“At last we have escaped from the bureaucracy of the concern!”) fail to adapt or transition from an under-regulated handling of the present to a more formal method, if success, and thus the growth. makes such an internal complexity necessary (“We can no longer have everyone talking to everyone else!”).