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Success Assumptions about Quality

In order to coordinate a team, an area or an entire organisation, assumptions are required about how and by which means you are, or become successful. Success motivates psychological systems, as well as teams and organisation-shaped systems. Therefore, it is theoretically likely that the assumptions about what the already existing success rests upon, and what will make one successful in the future, mostly differ from each other or even oppose each other. Since success and the quality of the performance are closely linked, the rationale about ‘what qualities’ the success is due to, are often very different.

It is, therefore, possible for a very successful organisation, team or person to be very conflicted, i.e. they can be extremely mistaken about what has led to the success. The assumptions about this are constructed causalities, which are not observable as causalities. For this reason such constructs (“We are successful, because at last we were on the market quickly!”) are always open to criticism or compete with equally convincing alternatives (“We are successful because the customers have always valued the accuracy which distinguishes our brand!”)