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Without memory, nothing works, certainly not for systems, which distinguish themselves from an environment and want to maintain this difference! Why? Memory has the essential function of forgetting. So that it does not become too conspicuous that the majority will be forgotten, it also ensures that it remembers some things. Forgetting is important so that a system remains free to engage with the present and does not drown in the infinity of that which it would have to consider, take care of and weigh-up at any one time. Memory, therefore, is not simply a ‘store of past events’ but in the first instance the process which equips the past with possibilities: with alternatives which have already been tried out once, with reasons for which one has discarded something which could now become relevant again etc.. A memory can remember, about the future, as well, and not only people have one, but also teams and organisations. Generally, one calls such memories of the future goals or intentions which then give a system orientation about which decisions could be functional. Memories explore the past and the future for possibilities. In forgetting, the majority remains unconsidered. Therefore, it is always important to also bring the ‘forgotten’ possibilities into play and to promote those alternatives, which have ‘lost’ in the past.