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The ability to inhibit one’s impulses and needs is acquired by the psyche in the first years of life. Without this ability, a person is unable to socially co-exist. The sentence, “if you don’t give me what I want, I will throw myself to the floor and scream“, or acting in such a way, is inappropriate for an adult. A lack of inhibition, everything always now and immediately, is a problem, as all parents know only too well. Wellbeing, mental self-regulation, social relationships and collaboration in organisations are not possible without the ability to inhibit. Even this ability can be exercised functionally or dysfunctionally. Here, the freedom to choose is also central.

A problem is created if a person must constantly inhibit certain needs. A chronic and, above all, undesired frustration can develop – and such a person leaves a type of ‘gap’ when in contact with others, just then when it would be necessary to make this need available to others (i.e. If a contact-inhibited supervisor remains cool, where it would be required to share one’s emotions about the illness of an employee, and so loses the respect of the entire team and their loyalty too!).

Similarly, it becomes difficult when someone cannot inhibit a certain need – for example, when a person cannot bear to be separated from another, or if he gives preference to certain others, etc. Therefore, personal change always consists of expanding your own choice possibilities, living your needs and making conscious decisions, rather than becoming the victim of unconscious and unperceived processes.