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Clan Structure

If one combines the closeness pole, the security pole and the uniqueness pole, teams develop with a clan structure. Unlike in family structures, the significance of the team stands dominantly in the foreground. If anyone harms a member, everybody in the team becomes their enemy! The willingness and the obligation to engage oneself unconditionally for each other, is often impressive. However, this greatly reduces the scope for action and the evaluation options for the individual.

One finds such patterns in organisations, whose organisational purpose is highly loaded with ideals, values and identification possibilities (“We are all fighting for one goal!”). These tend to be found in non-economic contexts such as ecological movements, hacking groups or political issue groups.

The expectation of cohesion is just as high as the significance which each individual has for the team. You do not let each other down, you can rely on each other, you share convictions and do not tolerate it when individuals wish to deviate from them. You have committed yourself to one matter.

In extreme manifestations, the closeness becomes collective punishment (“One for all and all for one!”), the security becomes a compulsion to open up without conditions and not to have any secrets from each other (Soul striptease in front of the group!) and the uniqueness leads to foolhardy and futile actions.

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