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Withdrawal of Trust

In organisations, the withdrawal of trust is a massive intervention, regardless of whether it affects individual workers, teams, departments, areas, projects, regions or functions. If, for example, the research and development in an organisation has squandered trust (e.g. through repeated poor products), this influences many guiding processes. Generally, it will cause a change of personnel, increased control and decreased decision autonomy, few exceptions will be made and the risks will be reduced. From this alone you can see how strong the relief effect is with successful trust. At the same time, loss of trust in an organisation is marked by an increase in internal processes (time and resource usage!).

Withdrawal of trust does not happen continuously, but goes through phases. The first threshold consists of the fact that the trust-destroying phenomena are no longer seen as the exception. One becomes nervous and changes the ‘inner viewpoint’ (“Can we really rely on her?”). The second threshold is stepped over when information is checked indirectly (“We will ask XY what is ‘actually’ going on.”). The third threshold is reached when information is actively doubted and the accusation of providing false information is contained within this (“Are you lying to me?”). Once the integrity of the trusted person is called into doubt, then one can almost always find confirming evidence, as nothing and nobody is one-hundred percent trustworthy. Therefore, there is always cause for withdrawing trust, or, to put it another way: trust is always a piece of useful illusion, which, once withdrawn, is difficult to give again. Therefore, trust is also stable, because everyone knows that it is dangerous to strain given trust too much.