Venues for conflicts
The problem that conflicts – among others – try to resolve is that it is basically open who is right. If the clever one with the best solution gives in, then that is not clever. If the stupid one with the wrong solution gets his way, that’s stupid. Everybody knows that. In social systems that depend on coming to decisions quickly – for example, companies – tools have developed that enable people to combine a variety of truths on the same subject into one (simple) truth. This is called making decisions. The venue for a discourse in which diversity is coined into simplicity might be a meeting to discuss the specification of a product or a marketing campaign. Many descriptions of the facts – vulgo opinions – are quite functional at the beginning. However, the limitation of diversity then arises due to
- a time frame that must be adhered to,
- the expert opinions of specialists, whose statements are given more weight than those of others, and
- in the end by a vote, consensus, compromise or someone from a hierarchical role deciding.
The function of the venue is thus to limit the factual, social and temporal framework. Only in this way can the necessary simplicity (=decision) be achieved in a reasonably reliable way.