Team Directing and Reflection
If teams, like all systems, are, self-organising processes, then, system-theoretically, the question poses itself as to how something can be ‘directed’ or, milder, influenced, which emerges from within itself. The most important means for this is reflection, because it enables the team to learn purposefully. Without reflection, that which happens, happens. With reflection, alternatives are formed (“Like this again or different this time?”). Thus, existing (decision-making) patterns can be checked and changed. The question as to whether one works (and does not talk) or whether one talks (and during this process one cannot work on the goal) is, therefore, always in play. Therefore, one must keep in mind that the decision about which team members are involved in the reflection processes (sometimes it is the boss, alone) has a substantial influence on whether the decisions are incorporated into the self-organisation of the team. Whether, when, who, what and in which way the conditions are reflected, decides the self-direction abilities and, therefore, also, the performance of a team.