Team Development
Team development, team building, team coaching – all these are terms for counselling formats which should help teams to function better. Therein lies the realisation that managers, with their leadership power alone, cannot bring team members to cooperate at work (in that case coaching would be sufficient). This viewpoint has, in the meantime, become established in most organisations. The initial, trivial-seeming conclusion is that during team development, the team, as a whole, must always be understood as the counsellor’s client, and not just the manager.
The team developer, therefore, needs a theoretical toolkit on the functional level in order to understand the team (and not just individuals) and in order to set meaningful reflection and subject foci. He also needs a social toolkit, which enables him to be non-biased and to build relationships with different people (who may be embroiled in conflict), at the same time and with fairness, and he must be able to maintain this under pressure. In addition, he requires a processual toolkit, so he can maintain orientation over a period of time about the suitable moment to discuss sensitive subjects and conflicts, contactfully between the team members.
Team development, therefore, forms a framework, in which, from the viewpoint of the members, risky, anxiety-ridden, hope-laden, hurt-filled and success-dependent subjects can become communicable and can be reflected upon. This process is also risky and not controllable by anyone. Therefore, the outcome is always open. Promises of assured improvement on the part of the counsellor must, thus, be viewed as fundamentally untrustworthy.
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