Team Conflicts
In teams, conflicts always develop <span class=”hs_kw”>Konflikte</span>. There are several reasons for this:
• The team (often) stands in competition with other teams. Competition arises either about who is the better team, or who can assert themselves in the balancing of interests (conflicting goals, budget, resources etc.). Additionally, it is in competition with the expectations of the organisation regarding effectiveness, quality etc of the target goals. One can disappoint. The team, therefore, also competes with the organisational environment.
• The team, though, also has conflicts with the member-environment. First of all, this is because the opinions of the team members about the interaction with the organisational environment are rarely congruent. However, therein lies an elementary paradox, as every team member tries to assert his own interests, and, at the same time, must try to limit the interests of others in the team (if they are in contradiction to their own). Conflicts arise, because practically everybody does this.
Therefore, nobody should work in teams if they do not wish to have conflicts. Although teams can, like all systems, regulate and process conflicts , they never stop or unilaterally and permanently switch to consensus . Living and working in teams, without conflict, is possible for a limited period of time, but is, in the long run, a contradiction in itself.