Systems and Disruptions
Systems must be capable of processing events which they experience as disruptions, irritation, disappointment or surprises. Thus, disruptions are always that, which the respective system processes as such. Such disrupting events can be attributed to the external environment as well as the internal environment.
How do systems process their disruptions? How do systems cope with developing their structures (=having expectations of themselves and the environment) while simultaneously knowing that the environment is constantly changing and that they, themselves, (must) also do so? Expectations, as we know, can become a disappointment. Handling disappointments in a suitable way is no automatic. Not least for this reason, consultancy is required.
Systems solve this problem of ‘the world not being as integrated as one would desire’ by that which is commonly called learning. A need to learn is created by disappointed expectations. Even small children do this: “If it doesn’t work this way, then maybe we can do it the other way around! And if that won’t work at all, we can play something different…!” Systems, therefore, carry out a reality check by whether they can maintain their expectations (= adaptation of the environment to themselves) or by whether they wish to or have to change themselves (=own adaptation to the environment).