Structural Overload during Decisions
A significant symptom of unrecognised paradoxes, i.e. thinking in unambiguousness, is the structural overload of decision-makers and organisations.
If it is not recognised that deciding in the field does not result in compatible poles, then it obviously follows that the opposite should be implemented at the same time: assertive and team-orientated, customer-orientated and cost-conscious, global and local, good quality and speed, entrepreneurial and process-compliant, adventurous and consensus-seeking, innovative and traditional, trustworthy and informative and so on.
The growing overload, which results from this, initially keeps personnel motivated (there is always a need for optimisation) and, at some point, leads to resignation. Organisations constantly wrestle with the increased, sustained conflict emerging from this and, as a rule, oscillate between the different poles. A co-presence of the extremes cannot be sustained in the long term and offers too little orientation and direction.
For this reason, heuristics assist the guiding processes of the respective system types, introduced here, (psyche, team, organisation) not to try something impossible, instead, to consciously decide the light as well as the shadow, desire as well as dislike, benefits as well as costs, advantages as well as disadvantages. The communication of decisions will also become easier this way, because the pressure to present them as only correct and, possibly, to defend them, disappears. Therefore, decisions become more fluid, more agile and more able to reach consensus, particularly also by those who would be on the other side of the argument.