Self-support means the ability to advance that which arises in the way of impulses in the inner life in an accepting, caring, critical, alive and free manner. An important orientation for necessary interventions is, therefore, the question: “Where is there a lack of self-support within clients?” This can refer to the fact that someone cannot allow themselves to feel something more clearly, that they cannot talk about it, that they cannot understand it, that they cannot accept it, that they cannot allow it to become visible or audible, or that they cannot enter into relationship with others. These situations are to be strictly distinguished from those in which someone does not want to! If a counsellor treats the client who cannot do something as someone who does not want to, then he is not being fair to him and threatens to harmfully overburden him. If someone is not able to, he will need temporary outside support in this area, where he has no self-support, and this must first be developed (often through a model provided by the counsellor delivers). Being able to distinguish these types of interventions is a part of the professional competence of counsellors.