Regimental Structure
If one combines the distance pole, the security pole and the belonging pole, teams develop with a regimental structure. In a regiment, it is clear what must be done (=secure), a team member with personal concerns tends to be a nuisance (=distanced) and everyone definitely knows that they belong to the regiment and will not be given up on so easily.
Therefore, in regimental structures, there are many clear routines and hierarchical instructions. Conflicts are resolved from above, contradicting the boss is undesired or dangerous. The atmosphere can be cold; it is usually objective-orientated and lacking in empathy. For teams with a clear, non-complex goal, where everyone must adopt a defined role, such an interaction pattern can be highly functional. For this, team members who hardly have any individual interests, who are prepared to accept the restriction of their autonomy and who thrive in the group, are required.
If such teams slip into extreme manifestations, then distance becomes ruthlessness with an expectation of personal sacrifice (“An order is an order!”), security becomes submission or surveillance (“We know everything about you!”) and belonging becomes a compulsory membership (Mafia!).