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Reflective Processing

“What did you experience just then?”. The pure experiencing is just as insufficient for change processes as pure understanding. When the client, in the counselling, makes new emotional experiences (for example in an experimental individual counselling session <a href=””>Experiment</a>), then it is important to process this experience with him reflectively, and to integrate it. If the experiences do not become plausible to him they will not be permanently stored and threaten to remain as a single experience only. In order to reflect upon inner experience, it is, from a counselling technique viewpoint, sometimes very useful to make available to the client interpretation frameworks, psychological models, correlations and hypotheses. To integrate something, you need structure. Usually the client does not have this. Therefore, it is indispensable for the counsellor to know a number of different models and theories, in order to be able to conceptualise the client’s situation appropriately with him.