You are here: StartLeitprozess SelbstwahrnehmungReflecting


It is only possible to purposefully alter a decision pattern (of any kind), when that, which has been excluded from the decision pattern, is reintroduced into the system as a feasible choice possibility: “Could it not be completely different?” On the one hand, the process, whereby a team is concertedly occupied with that which it has so far neglected, considered undesirable, not achievable, changeable, or defined as meaningless or unnecessary, is called reflecting. On the other hand, it can concern itself with whether that, which one has so far viewed as correct, true, skilled, competent, without alternatives, neat, appropriate or successful, can and should be still seen in this light. Reflection offers new alternatives to a system. This means that the degree of freedom grows and the complexity increases. While one reflects, the possibilities for action are usually somewhat limited and the ability to perform is reduced. When, then, is reflection required? It is required when one must assume that something is changing in the team’s environment. If one continues as before, it can be fatal or deadly when the environment changes. To put it another way: nothing is so dangerous as success in the past. Those who were successful in the past usually believe that it is not necessary to reflect. But past success is not necessarily followed by future success, particularly not in highly dynamic environments. Therefore, nowadays, it is more advisable for the team to routinely put itself through a reflection process (=team exercise, special meetings) and to come up with impulses which stimulate, challenge and test things which are taken for granted

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