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Meetings Structure

An important form of work for teams is meetings. Therefore, particular importance is attached to the organisation, structure and course of meetings for the guiding process goal processing. It is helpful to pay regard to the following points, in order to recognise the pattern of a team, or to observe how it interacts with the guiding distinction problem versus interest:
• Creation of agenda
• Choice of topics
• Order of placement
• Time Allocation
• Selection of speakers
• Form of preliminary information
• Method and manner of presentation
• Method and manner of listening, discussing and deciding
• Atmosphere of the meeting
• Structure of change from agenda item to agenda item
• Method and manner of documentation
• Type of information about the results in the aftermath as well as
• Form of follow-up of the open agenda items and decisions.

An agenda item can be discussed for technical reasons, for example, to clarify something, or it can be discussed for reasons of interest, for example to introduce someone and to bury an unpopular topic; both variations are possible. Usually, a team understands very well how to read this information between the lines of the formal documents. The more hidden, the more informal, the more unstructured, the more randomly the guiding distinction is handled in the meeting, the more the team will be occupied with informal processes, scheming, and rumours. This takes up time and energy.

For these reasons, organisation, structure and course of meetings is an indispensable observation focus for every team and every team consultation.

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