Group-Dynamic Authors

Cornelia Edding, Karl Schattenhofer, Klaus Doppler, Klaus Antons and Oliver Koenig – who are all aided by intensive, increasingly rare, group-dynamic training, have been publishing important books on the subject of groups and teams for years. It is impressive, how they further develop the subject of group dynamics with thoroughness, wealth of knowledge, richness of material and the obvious engagement of the heart, and then link it to other approaches. The group-dynamic theory has always used the self-organisation of groups as the starting point and, therefore, they realised early on that the ‘independent existence’ must be separately understood and theoretically clarified.

In particular, all the named authors describe the multitude of ‘prisms’, through which groups and teams can be viewed, where all other dynamics of psyche, conflict and organisation meet each other, as in a melting pot, in this social formation. The considerations here, on this portal, are, therefore, on the one hand related to and inspired by group-dynamic concepts; on the other hand they do not carry with them much ballast from the classical group-dynamic thinking models.