Team Development Techniques for Goal Setting
In order to work with a team on goal setting, the following variants are usually at play:
Analysis of the existing state. What is important here is to find out if all team members have a similar source for their goals, i.e. what significance is has, if there are inconsistencies. As an intervention in this place, a simple series of interviews with the team members would be appropriate. With regard to decidable goals and their change, one can often work well with analogue techniques (Metaphor Training for new goals). All procedures covered under ‘Design Thinking’ can also be utilised here. With regard to change, a possible consultation focus could also be the necessity of letting go of goals. What should be buried and archived? Furthermore, it is important to check whether, up to now, exercising influence on certain given objectives has been avoided or whether one has exhausted oneself in unfruitful battles against them. If changed goal settings have been found, it is often necessary to work out and replace the emotional consequences (feelings of competence, commitment) which arise in the team members, whether there is agreement about the downsides associated with them and which new harmonisation needs arise amongst one another. Mindfulness for the possibly disadvantaged in the team (and in the team’s environment) must also be nurtured. These foci can also be processed in team workshops. If new goals have been found internally, it normally requires a communication plan (downwards, to the side, upwards, externally etc.).
Ultimately, natural conflicts of interest can arise concerning these questions, which must be moderated and processed according to the configuration. Otherwise, often, hidden polarization or hidden rebellion takes place. Here, the main technique of the consultant is his perception of the smallest, non-verbal signals of the team members, which point to the above phenomena, and then to have the courage to openly make these a topic.