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With regard to change, the distinction whether you do something consciously or with reflection is of great significance. You can very well do something consciously (such as: I know that I am criticising someone), without knowing the purpose and motivation of the behaviour. Reflection focuses on the conditions under which something takes place. The differentiation and the means by which someone knows about that which he thinks, feels and does, varies enormously from person to person. Therefore, making reflection competence – descriptions, derivations, connections, conceptual models, theoretical concepts and much more – available to people, on the part of the consultant, is often so effective. The more someone simply lives and does that which he considers useful, without reflecting upon this (“This is how it should be!”), the less the degree of freedom he cultivates and the more limited is his social bonding ability, or his ability to process conflict. Reflection always brings contingency into play (“It could also be different!”). Therefore, prohibitions regarding reflection are often motivated by fear. Consultancy, which only focuses on reflection, will, thus, often fail because of these reflection prohibitions. Another course of action is needed in this case.

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