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Requirements for Trust

One of the requirements for trust in dealing with social complexity is that it may also be controlled. In that instance in which areas of a social system shield (or can shield) themselves against control, trust becomes impossible. Without the readiness to permit selective transparency, systems literally lose control. Organisations can, therefore, utilise the performance ability of trust cultures better, if they decide exactly in which areas they will interrupt trust and introduce control. One can observe, again and again, that bitter conflicts arise during trust and control battles within an organisation. In this way, the two sides are played off against each other when dealing with complexity, and their reference to each other is overlooked. On a psychological level, a requirement for trust is that one can substitute the missing security in the external future (“I don’t know what the other one will do, but I trust him!”) through an internal security when handling the unknown consequences (“I will be able to cope with disappointment!”). This inner psychological competence must be acquired by every person, otherwise the trust becomes a dangerous lottery and a danger to oneself. Disappointment competence ought to be included in every learning and training plan of all those further education institutions that wish to prepare people for working and living in complex conditions.