Psychological Decision-Making Premises
Every guiding distinction which the psychological system deals with uses decision-making premises. Everything cannot be constantly renewed and fundamentally explained. Premises are the foundations for other decisions. To reduce complexity, every system requires such underlying patterns that are, under normal circumstances, not enquired into, reflected upon or noticed (if, for example, it has been decided that I am not musical, I no longer need to engage with music). It is obvious that a premise of the type: “You are not allowed to be like that!” or “You are not allowed to feel like that!” has greater implications than premises such as “You must not show that you know something!”, or “You ought to make an effort!”. And if the premise is “I am, no matter what, a lovable, valuable person!” or “You are useless and should be glad if someone takes pity upon you!” it will be of great significance for the course of someone’s life. This is why the psychological change always requires work on the decision-making premises in guiding processes. If you change your guiding processes, you change your life. In <a href=””>hier</a>, within the second circle you can find a small row of special characteristics of such dysfunctional decision-making premises. These either occur frequently or they are particularly meaningful. They are dysfunctional, because they limit the choice of an option which people actually need.