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This metatheory assumes that the psyche, for its self-preservation, always differentiates with which self-representation it identifies, or which ones it permanently, or situatively blocks out. In the light of this theoretical principle the statement “This is how I am!” or “This is my true self!” makes little or no sense anymore. In each new present, psychological self-regulation thus consists of the competence of selecting, from the wealth of the self-actualisation possibilities that which is most appropriate for the situation. Therefore, if you ask the client “What would you like?” or “How are you?”, then one (!) representation in the client decides the answer! What does the client identify with? For example, if someone says: “I get so wound up about this, that I am once again totally fearful about the presentation tomorrow!”, then you will receive a different answer from the representation with which the person identifies (she, who is wound up and is speaking this sentence) than from the representation, with which the individual wants nothing to do with (with her, who is fearful).

In this moment, the psyche does not say “I” to this aspect. It is always an expression of stagnation when someone attempts to dispute one aspect of his psyche with the help of another aspect and tries to ‘get rid’ of it. Therefore, for each counsellor the following question must always be part of the conversation: What does the client consciously identify with and what does he wish to have nothing to do with?

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