Fritz Simon

In the German speaking areas, Fritz Simon is probably the one person who can best present abstract system-theoretical concepts in a comprehensible and practice-relevant way. The multiplicity of his publications, as well as the volume of publications from other authors influenced by him, contribute much to the fact that the consultancy theory, inspired by Luhmann, has gained such significance.

We can thank Fritz Simon, with his accuracy and astuteness, for our meta-theoretical considerations and for inspirations, challenges and ‘aah’s’ in many places, which lead us to unexpected and important cross connections and liaisons. In particular, the consequent cataloguing of paradoxical thought processes leads those reading his texts to constantly come across new and surprising insights. If you have enjoyed this website, you will, in all probability, also like his book ‘Introduction to Systemic Organisational Theory’. In any case, we would highly recommend it.

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