Interlocked Relationship Analysis
You can find out, with a relatively simple analysis (you can access worked examples here), where and how someone handles his personal responsibility dysfunctionally, and it can be made plausible why he does this: You begin with an external stimulus (= “Because you…”), which is given the blame for something you experience, which you do not like (= “I am…”). Thus, someone creates an immediate causality between the behaviour of another person or circumstance in the environment and his (undesired) reaction, and so places himself into the world as the aggrieved party. Because of this he must attempt to manipulate the exterior: “Therefore you should…!”. Usually this happens with threats and promises of reward. The intended goal is to make yourself feel better again: “… so that I can … once again”. Ultimately though, the entire procedure, which we call interlocked relationships, leads to a fundamental, unconscious, inhibited, diffused, negated, hidden or ignored experience which tends to be exactly as follows: “Otherwise it would become clear that…!”.
Those who therefore do not recognise themselves as the creators of their own feelings, must live with the fact that others can create undesired feelings in them, and they must either try to prevent this, or suffer. To delve into these correlations is a central technique in the context of personal responsibility.