Guiding Process Personnel
The process of organising (= organisation) needs personnel. Persons are placed into ‘positions’ which are connected with specific tasks and, alongside them, expectations. It follows that an organisation constantly observes the suitability of the person to the position. It must make the decision as to whether there is good suitability or whether the person has become unsuitable for this position. The guiding question is: Does the person fulfil the expectations connected with this position sufficiently, or must he be dismissed, transferred or promoted?
Most organisations have developed official processes which deal with this issue: assessments, audits, recruitment procedures, performance management conversations, development discussions, talent management and many more. Others cede this observation to instinct, or the sympathy of hierarchies or owners. There again others only decide in exceptional circumstances, e.g. where there are legal proceedings, and otherwise they leave the subject to procedures (e.g. promoting the rules, affiliation).
All decision-making patterns connected with this have enormous influence on other guiding processes. They influence the motivation of employees (career chances), the quality of the work results as well as the future survival of the organisation. At the same time, the membership of an organisation contains, for people, the imposition of continuously being monitored to see if they are considered suitable or unsuitable. To process this imposition well, psychologically, is much more demanding than is generally assumed. This is the reason why the communication about this guiding process is often hidden in backrooms, in canteens, in cliques of the like-minded, and it dictates many actions (competition, loyalty, bullying, exclusion, outsmarting, keeping secrets, obscuring, justifying, seeking blame etc.)