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Function of Self-Expression

The psychological guiding process which regulates revealing and concealing, can be accomplished by the psychological system functionally or dysfunctionally. It is functional then, when

• the self-expression fits the needs regulation (I desire something, and others can also recognise this about me!)

• it is in accord with the role. As a manager, in meetings, I can express my disappointment about others’ mistakes differently than visitors in a football match.

• it is ‘not’ dominated by unconscious processes (such as when someone unconsciously holds a grudge and constantly runs around with a grumpy face, but does not, himself, feel his grumpiness.)

• it is rooted in an internal understanding Being dysfunctional is revealing, when it does not represent a selective authenticity, but an uncontrolled or comprehensive self-denial.

This is because this process is subject to social rules. The question: “When can someone express something to whom, in which situation, about what, and in which form, and for how long?” is answered very differently in different contexts, social communities and cultures. Knowing and adhering to these rules is that which one calls ‘intercultural competence’ in the global context. Concealing is dysfunctional when it holds back substantial things during the contact <a href=””>Kontakt</a>. The more I conceal something actually meaningful for the other party, or the relationship with them

• the more I limit the relationship possibilities,

• the less satisfaction and intensity is possible in the relationship,

• the more control must be maintained without interruption and

• the more inauthentic and thus trust-reducing the self-expression with be.

The premises for the decisions about what is revealed and concealed, are often unconscious. Mostly they are acquired very early on and are very stable. Therefore, for affecting change, an examination of these patterns is very important.

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