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Fixations and Exclusions

The six (<b><a href=””>Grundbedürfnisse</a></b>) Metatheory of Change basic needs are regulated competently when all needs are permitted to be (but do not have to be) and one can, at any time, change from one need to its opposite need (but does not have to).

If clients impress by being fixated on one of the need poles (“The main thing is, I am never alone!”, “I always take the same route, when I feel curtailed!”), or other needs are not allowed to exist at all or simply play no role (“I don’t need anyone!” or “It is enough if one tells me what I must do, I don’t really need any scope!”) then this is a highly likely indication (hypothesis!) for a dysfunctional regulation.

Then it is important to work on revealing the possible fears and other uncomfortable feelings which underlie the choice limitations. This is not so self-evident, because the clients, themselves, are often in agreement with their fixations and exclusions and initially don’t see a problem therein, i.e. they do not see a connection to the problem which has led them to seek counselling.

Therefore, from a metatheory viewpoint, it is a big mistake to assume that the clients know what is good for them.

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