Dysfunctional Psychodynamics
In medicine/psychology the usual words used for dysfunctional, are usually ‘sick’, ‘psychopathological’, ‘neurotic’ or ‘disturbed’. In this theory we assume that all psychological processes and patterns can be functional and dysfunctional. Dysfunctional means that the noticed and unnoticed side effects of thoughts, feelings, perceptions etc. have an unnecessary or an unnecessarily high price. Either they influence wellbeing (bonding, self-determination, self-esteem) or, more fundamentally, the ability to perceive themselves and others comprehensively, und, also, the ability to distance themselves internally from their thoughts and feelings and, ultimately, from social relationships, or roles (separations, termination, sustained conflicts etc.) and physical aspects (addiction, somatization, sleep etc.). Such dysfunctional patterns are described in various ways in psychology (officially DSM, ICD). Such a description is incompatible with the basic theoretical assumptions of this approach, because firm categorical or even dynamic disease concepts (more about this under diagnosis) are in contradiction with the model of a psyche in motion presented here. However, one can and must accordingly describe the phenomena in an alternative way, which we attempt to do here (decision-making patterns). The accumulated knowledge of established psychology has, of course, found its way into the field of psychodynamics in this metatheory.