Decision and Time
Because of the open structure of time, every system must make decision. As humans we all recognise this: We must constantly explain what we want to do in future (“Where do I want to apply?”) and what meaning we give to past events (“Were my BWL studies good for me?”).
There are endless possibilities of choice (apart from that which is impossible and that which is pre-determined). The selection from these possibilities must be decided upon, or it is decided by the passing of time (“The time limit has expired!”). Every decision excludes another alternative (This apartment or the other one?), and, at the same moment creates new decision requirements (Should I put the wardrobe here or there?). Decisions close and open time simultaneously. Paradox.
Decisions shape time, reduce complexity and thus enable structure and order. This is why they are an elementary procedure and, exactly for this reason, so essential for understanding and shaping change. If you don’t know by which decision an existing structure maintains itself, then this structure will not be able to change from the inside out.